Holistic Futures


What is Support Coordination?

Support Coordination is funded assistance through the NDIS to help individuals make the most of their NDIS funds.

Once your NDIS plan is developed and approved you can work with a Support Coordinator to help you find reliable providers that suit your needs.

You have the choice to decide which NDIS providers to work with, we are here to find the right option for you.

Who gets support coordination funding?

To have the support coordination option in your plan make sure you mention it in your planning meeting, as not everyone is initially funded for it.

Support coordination is normally approved at the very beginning when you receive your first NDIS plan so that you can be supported to find the services that you need to achieve your goals. Do not hesitate to talk to us if your reach this point.

Where can I find out more?

There are so many possible NDIS providers and it’s hard to know where to start, our team are here to help. Contact us for more information about Support Coordination.